A Craftsman Approach

In ancient Greece, the "Tekton" was more than a mere laborer; they were artists and thinkers who shaped not just objects but ideas and philosophies. A Tekton didn't just build; they envisioned and designed, and then brought that vision to life through their craftsmanship.

Executive Coaching as a Craft

In executive coaching, the coach acts as a Tekton. Together with the coachee, they envision a future – a masterpiece waiting to be revealed. The raw material is the individual's potential, filled with unique strengths, talents, passions, and capabilities, much like a block of untouched marble, jade or wood.

Chipping Away the Unnecessary

The process of coaching is akin to the delicate and intentional chipping away of a sculptor. It's not about creating something new but revealing what's already there. It's about removing what's unnecessary, the barriers, self-doubts, and limitations, to expose the true form beneath.

The Masterpiece Within

Every leader has a masterpiece within them. It might be obscured by years of conforming to expectations, or giving in to fears or habits that don't serve them well. The role of the coach, like the Tekton, is to recognize the potential and, through careful, skilled work, help reveal it.

A Personalized Approach

Just as a Tekton would approach different materials and projects with unique methods and tools, the executive coach tailors the approach to the individual. Each person is different, and the path to revealing their masterpiece must be customized to their unique attributes, goals, and challenges. (more below…)

The Finished Work

The finished product is a leader who is more aligned, confident, content, and effective. The masterpiece was always there, but it took the commitment of the leader, alongside the hand of a craftsman, to reveal it. The transformation isn't just external; it resonates at a profound, internal level, aligning the leader's actions with their true values, dreams, and potential.

The connection between executive coaching and the work of a Tekton isn't merely a metaphor; it's a philosophy. It's about recognizing the inherent value and potential within each individual and having the skill, patience, and vision to reveal it. It's about crafting not just better executives but more fulfilled and authentic image bearers of God.

In a way, every successful coaching relationship is a testament to the art of the Tekton and the commitment of one being coached, shaping leaders who are not only more effective in their roles but are truer to themselves, their DNA, their calling. The craft goes beyond the workplace, touching the very essence of who they are.